Home Business Academy Review 2024

Today, I’m going to be talking about The Home Business Academy (HBA) as it stands in 2024. It’s been a big year for people looking to make their mark in the digital world, and HBA is right there, leading the charge for aspiring online entrepreneurs.

What is The Home Business Academy? Simply put, it’s a hive of activity for people who want to hone their digital marketing skills, participate in affiliate marketing, and thrive within a community of like-minded individuals. Their catchphrase, ‘Freedom Through Principle-Centered Leadership,’ isn’t just a tagline; it’s a mindset they instill in members.

I’m here to help you understand the grind of online marketing. It’s not enough to have just one piece of the puzzle; you need the full picture. This includes top-notch coaching to guide you, professional tools to build your presence, and unyielding support to keep you steady.

Your journey in online marketing doesn’t need to be a solo trip. The community at HBA makes sure of that. Read on, because you’re going to find out about the two remarkable people who’ve made HBA what it is today.

Behind the Scenes: The Founders of Home Business Academy

If you’re curious about who’s guiding the ship at The Home Business Academy, let me introduce you to Mike Hobbs and Paul Hutchings, the duo at the helm. It’s not every day you come across founders who aren’t just faceless names but embody the success story they preach.

Mike and Paul’s road to financial freedom wasn’t a walk in the park; it was more of a marathon with hurdles. Both had distinct backgrounds, but what united them were their hustler spirits and the dream of financial independence through the digital market. Their hard-earned journey to a seven-figure income lends authenticity and gritty wisdom to everything HBA offers.

Paul Hutchings is an affiliate marketer from Idaho, U.S.A. An expert in network marketing and owner of Hutchings Marketing, LLC, who graduated Summa Cum Laude from DeVry University with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration (2003). His first job was as a regional sales manager for Melaleuca, a wellness company that manufactures and distributes nutritional and pharmaceutical products. After that, he briefly worked as a sales executive for East Idaho Auto Auction, and then started Hutchings Marketing LLC in Feb 2009. 

Mike Hobbs is a digital marketer, social media marketer, affiliate marketer, and proud co-founder of Home Business Academy LLC. He graduated from Dixie State University in 2007 and worked briefly as a loan officer for Affordable Mortgage Solutions. In 2007, he took a huge leap and quit his Walmart job to start his own business. Unlike many internet hustlers, Mike’s success story was not a “get-rich-quick” one. He worked his way up a 100K debt, and after 5 years of hard work, he finally earned his first 6-figure income. From this, he retired from the military early, after 13 long years of service. In 2016, he co-founded Home Business Academy with Paul and the rest is history.

The concept of The Home Business Academy sprouted from a seed of empathy and frustration with their experiences in MLM. Mike and Paul were tired of the owners of the companies they were working with changing the rules and compensation plans. Thus effecting their income and livelihood with zero control by the representatives. Having navigated the shark-infested waters of online entrepreneurship themselves, Mike and Paul created a lifeline for others. They knew all too well the struggles of starting from scratch, and they aimed to construct a platform resolute in its offering of tools, training, and unwavering support.

Their earnest approach is evident in their commitment to live training. Each weekday, Mike and Paul dive into the nitty-gritty of building an online business, teaching members how to craft effective sales funnels, drive traffic from a variety of sources, and generate passive income via affiliate marketing. Their hands-on, relatable style has garnered a loyal following and cultivated a community that values learning as much as earning.

Comprehensive Training Structure at HBA

If you’re delving into the world of online marketing, the value of coaching and training can never be overstated. At The Home Business Academy, you’re going to find out about an extensive array of training modules designed to steer you toward success. But what exactly does the training entail, and how does it help budding entrepreneurs?

Each weekday, HBA’s co-founders, Mike Hobbs and Paul Hutchings, equip members with live training sessions that are nothing short of a goldmine for affiliate marketers. These sessions aren’t just about learning the ropes; they help you refine your skills in building sales funnels, generating traffic through various platforms such as SEO and social media networks like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, and mastering the art of earning a passive income online.

Not only do these trainings provide practical, hands-on knowledge, but they also offer a supportive community that encourages growth and innovation. In my opinion, it’s this blend of mentorship, peer learning, and practical exercises that really sets HBA apart in the digital marketing sphere.

Your first attempt at marketing doesn’t need to be perfect. Still, with HBA’s trainings, you can always adjust your approach down the road, ensuring that your strategies evolve along with the ever-changing landscape of online marketing. And the best part? It’s all exclusive to HBA members.

The HBA Funnel Builder: A Tool for Unlimited Marketing Pages

If you’re aiming to take the online marketing world by storm, you’re going to need an all-star player in your toolkit, and that’s where the HBA Funnel Builder comes into play. This isn’t just about crafting your ordinary landing pages; it’s about having the versatility to create a full suite of marketing material suited to any campaign.

Now, let’s break down what the HBA Funnel Builder brings to the table. For $25 per month, an investment that’s a slice of the cost compared to some big-name competitors, you’re unlocking access to create pages like Lead Capture Pages, Sales pages, Thank you Pages, and more. And yes, you heard right, you can craft unlimited pages. This means your scope for scaling up doesn’t hit a wall.

When I say this tool is user-friendly, I’m talking about a smooth interface that lets you drag and drop elements where you need them without any coding headaches. This ease of use ensures that whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, you’re well-equipped for the job.

Here’s the interesting bit: beyond the page builder itself, HBA has woven in some quality training into the mix. The Funnel Builder Academy is your go-to resource for learning the ropes of effective funnel creation, ensuring you’re never left scratching your head on what to do next.

In the next section, we’ll navigate the HBA Premium Membership arena. I’m going to show you how this resource library can further enhance your marketing strategy and provide you with the ongoing education needed to stay ahead in a dynamic digital landscape.

HBA Premium Membership: A Library for Digital Marketing Education

I’m going to show you why HBA Premium is more than just a learning platform; it’s a comprehensive digital marketing suite. Imagine having a library at your fingertips that not only teaches you theoretical concepts but also shows you practical steps to attract leads, court customers, and clinch conversions. That’s HBA Premium for you.

You’re going to find out about the extensive topics covered under this membership. From the very basics of generating online traffic to the nuanced strategies for converting that traffic into loyal customers, HBA Premium ensures you’re well-versed in every aspect. Think of it as a digital marketing masterclass tailored for small business owners.

Choose something that resonates with you within this membership’s offerings. Are you someone keen on content marketing? There’s material for that. Or maybe you’re diving into the world of paid advertising? You’ll find guidance there, too. The training adapts to a range of interests and competencies.

Don’t worry too much about getting lost in a sea of information. The structured curriculum and live mentorship sessions make learning manageable and engaging. The cost echoes the value provided: $125 per month for traffic and conversions mastery is a steal when you consider the cumulative benefits.

Speaking of live mentorships, they are weekdays at 11 AM EST, with a special Monday evening session at 8 PM EST. This isn’t just about accessing a passive resource; it’s also about engaging with experts and community members. A dynamic learning environment fosters the right mindset and skill set for digital marketing success.

In my opinion, the beauty of HBA Premium lies in its ongoing relevance. This includes staying updated with the latest industry trends, ensuring that strategies taught are not just effective but also reflective of the current digital landscape. You can always adjust your approach down the road, and HBA Premium makes sure you’re well-equipped for that pivot.

Financial Literacy Academy: Building Economic Stability

In my opinion, financial literacy is not just a nice-to-have; it’s essential for anyone aiming to thrive in today’s economy, especially if you’re navigating the world of entrepreneurship. The Financial Literacy Academy, another facet of The Home Business Academy (HBA), understands this deeply.

This membership is your ticket to empowering yourself with knowledge that’s critical for financial success. What you’re going to find out about are courses that cover a gamut of crucial financial topics, developed to elevate your fiscal wisdom and practices.

You’ll learn about practical strategies for debt elimination, diving into methods to efficiently manage and reduce your liabilities. It doesn’t stop there. This academy also guides you on how to optimize your tax situation with strategies tailored for US business owners. Imagine knowing exactly how to navigate taxes to keep more of your earnings!

Preparing for the future is a concern for many, and the academy addresses this with retirement planning strategies that help secure your financial freedom down the line. If you’re looking for real-world skills, you’re covered with practical courses like bookkeeping using QuickBooks Online and managing rental properties for long-term cash flow.

Now what is very striking is that this is all taught not just by anyone, but by professionals in the field. Mark J Kohler, an attorney and best-selling author, along with Mike and Paul, bring a wealth of experience to the table. Their expertise is what makes the Financial Literacy Academy a goldmine of reliable information.

I like the other products at the Home Business Academy the Financial Literacy Academy is a one-time purchase product. And is currently priced at $1000. However, if you choose to purchase Financial Literacy Academy in the first 72 hours after starting at the Home Business Academy, you can get it at a 50% discount.

Brand New Personal Transformation and Morning Routine APP

This App helps you predictably and consistently create daily life magic in the areas of health, wealth, wisdom, and relationships. This App costs just $10 per month and allows you to share individual access with up to 7 family members. Also pays an 80% commission monthly for customer referrals.

Final Thoughts: Is Home Business Academy the Right Choice for You?

After walking through what The Home Business Academy offers, it’s time to reflect on whether it fits your entrepreneurial aspirations in 2024. A lot is happening very quickly in the digital space, and having a reliable platform can make a substantial difference.

I’m here to help you weigh the pros and cons. HBA’s offering includes comprehensive training, robust tools, and ongoing support. These elements are crucial for anyone looking to break into affiliate marketing or expand their online business.

Now, let’s talk about commitment. Your investment doesn’t just include the financial aspect—the monthly fees for the various tools and training sessions—but also the time and effort you’ll put into learning and applying new strategies. Choose something that resonates with you and aligns with your goals.

I hope that the transparency provided about the costs, content, and philosophy behind HBA helps you make an informed decision. Remember, your first attempt at building an online business doesn’t need to be your last. You can always adjust your approach down the road.

Consider the 80% affiliate commission structure too. With an opportunity to earn sizeable commissions, there is potential for significant returns on investment, provided you are willing to put in the consistent effort required to attract and convert leads.

Potential Earnings From HBA Affiliate Program

Sample computation:

Funnel Builder and Premium Course price $150 x 80% = $120 

30 Monthly Customers on Funnel Builder and Premium Course = $3600 per month Residual Income!!

Qualified affiliate marketers can earn $120 for every successful referral to the HBA Funnel Builder and HBA Premium programs. 

Ultimately, if you’re after a vehicle that equips you with the tools, know-how, and support network to thrive in the hustle of online marketing, The Home Business Academy might just be what you’ve been looking for. Assess your readiness for this commitment, and if it’s a green light, I say go for it—your online business journey awaits!

BONUS: If you choose to try The Home Business Academy and the Funnel Builder for just $25, I will give you a 2-week Free Trial of our Premium (Traffic & Conversions) Membership. Access to this bonus is available at check out for the Funnel Builder.

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